calling all mathematicians! we are looking for writers to help us get up and running after a 10 year hiatus! if you are interested in submitting an article, visit
to reach the editorial team, contact
The Delta Epsilon, McGill’s undergraduate mathematics journal, is a student-run publication which allows students at McGill to experience the academic research and publication process. It is put together by a team of undergrads, with the assistance of graduate students as editors. Click on the covers below to read an issue!
The Delta Epsilon was inactive from 2014-2024, but we are aiming to publish again next spring, in 2025.
LaTeX Template for Submissions (click here)
% The Delta-Epsilon Style Sheet
% author: A. Tomberg, modified by L. Belzile
% date : 23.11.2009 for v2.0, 27.02.2013 for v2.1
% version: v2.1
% Notes: to be used with the combine document class.
% > To import a new article do: \newarticle{title}{author}\import{.tex}
% > Bibtex has to be run separately on each article that uses it.
%--------- PACKAGES -----------
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% citecolor=black,
% urlcolor=black}
% \urlstyle{same}
%For French formatting
%--------- THEOREMS ---------
%--------- COMMANDS ---------
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\newcommand{\BN}{\mathbb N}
\newcommand{\BR}{\mathbb R}
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\newcommand{\BQ}{\mathbb Q}
%---------- MACROS ----------
% Our name
\newcommand{\mumj}{\textsc{McGill Undergraduate Mathematics Journal}}
% Putting author and title in the header
% New article command
\begin{center} {\Large \textsc{#1}} \\ \vspace{6pt}\textsl{#2}\end{center}
\titletochead{#1} \authortochead{#2} }
%New article with shortening of toc and header title
\begin{center} {\Large \textsc{#1}} \\ \vspace{6pt}\textsl{#3}\end{center}
\titletochead{#2} \authortochead{#3} }
% Remove the word "Abstract" before the abstract
% Command for typestting questions in interviews
% Jokes environment (one-column)
\newenvironment{jokes}{\setcounter{figure}{0}\smallskip \noindent \textsc{Jokes and Comics}
\hrulefill \bigskip \\ }
%--------- FIGURES ----------
%----------- FONT -----------
% We use roman fonts.
%---------- MARGINS ---------
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